The Monk sail was in Sardinia, but non now!!! Where is it? It was in the Mediterranean sea!!!
A lot of species require strong protection and co-operation between range states.

Environmental problems
(A work we did together - the students of III C)

The global temperature has risen by around
There are a lot of consequences like the rise sea level and the melting of the ice at the North and South Poles. The most severe climate change occurred in April 1815, following the eruption of Mount Tambora and the island of Sumbawa. It also caused natural disasters (floots, hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts).
Sardinia is an Isle in the Mediterranean sea and we think the rise of sea level will be a serious problem for all the ports, seashores, cities and nature in front of the sea. What will be the end of the cities of Cagliari, Quartu, Oristano, Villasimius, Olbia, Bosa and Sant'Antioco?
And if our children can no longer go to the beautiful beaches all over Sardinia,
what can we do? And what about tourism and Sardinian economy? Costa Smeralda will
never be visited by people.
The use of the fossil fuel and the deforestation are increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere that influences the greenhouse effect and the total heating. Others effects of the deforestation are:
1 - Desertification
2 - Pollution of the water
3 - Less resources for the populations of that place

If I think about Sardinia, my mind goes to summer and in particular to fire that every year destroys green and forests, animals and insects. Mountains are without trees and vegetation. Autumn rains sometimes cause serious disasters and damage.
In the past Sardinia was important for coalmines, but now all of them are closed, these sites are wasted and polluted. Nobody does something to remedy these mines.

Nowadays people waste a lot of things and throw a lot of litter, but….
Let’s find a solution together: recycling, so we can reuse the glass of bottles, plastic and paper, batteries, iron and cans of cola, for example. It is important to respect
Water is one of the wasted resources. We can save it through
1) not leaving the tap running while we brush our teeth;
2) using dishwashers;
3) washing family machines only when they are really dirty;
4) not wasting water for our gardens during the summer;
5) having showers instead of baths;
6) calling technicians when we see loss of water in the streets

Pollution is a big problem in Italy too; above all in the north because we have a lot of factories and traffic congestion. In the biggest cities like Milan authorities try to solve this problem by closing the city centre to cars one or two days a month. Pollution causes the greenhouse effect, which is a gradual warming of the air surrounding the Earth.
These are only few of the many environmental problems existing today and we think that everybody should do something to stop the terrible consequences that they are causing.
Some small helps that also a normal person should do to protect the environment are:
a) To respect nature when you are in a forest or in a wild area.
b) The recycling of litters and the separate collect of rubbish. In each dustbin we must insert the correct litter.
c) The intelligent use of appliances (electrical, office, safety and so on), to use them only when it is really necessary
e) To use less electricity (turn off useless lights or computers which you’re not using at the moment)

This is because we love Sardinia, Italy, Europe and the world. We love people, colours of the earth and its beauty. Future means the respect of nature and environment. Please ….. everyday do something, do something for those who come after us in this wonderful world!!!!!
We can also suggest the politicians to encourage everybody with appropriate laws to produce
* Solar energy (electric, thermal)
* Windenergy
* Biomass (biodiesel, vegetable oil, use of wood and waste as fuel for powerplants)
* Hydroelectric energy (mountains, tides)
* Geothermic energy
* Energy efficient buildings (isolation, passive heating)
Renewable energy must be the energy of our future. In Sardinia there is always the sun and it can be the main important source of energy. In each roof there should be solar panels and each family should use this energy. Why don’t we do that? Maybe panels cost too much? We don’t know but we must respect nature and environment!!!

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