Dear friend,
We will send you imagies just for 2 of our towns. We made more materials, but our informatician said that they can't be seen on the blog very well, so we will send you by post next week.
The first town is Bucharest, the capital of our country. Bucharest is the biggest town of Romania and it had many theatres, opera, parks, museums. We think that Bucharest is is the most beautiful town because we live in it.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Some services in San Gavino Monreale - Classe II D

Hello !!!!!.
San Gavino is a fantastic place.
San Gavino is a fantastic place.
Do you like this flower?
Salut!!!!!. San Gavino est un endroit fantastique. Aimez-vous cette fleur?
We are the students of II D and
we want to illustrate some services of our little town to the students of
Bucharest (Scoala Nr. 71 “Iovan Ducici”) and
Granollers (Escola Municipal del Treball).
San Gavino is situated in the middle of the Campidano law land, equidistant from both Cagliari and Oristano. In the village there are a lot of Chuches: Santa Chiara, Santa Teresa, Santa Lucia and Santa Croce.
Nous sommes les étudiants de deuxième D et nous voulons illustrer certains services de notre petite ville pour les étudiants de Bucarest (Scoala n ° 71. "Iovan Ducici") et Granollers (Escola Municipal du Travail). San Gavino est située au milieu de la terre Campidano, à égale distance de Oristano et Cagliari. Dans le village il ya beaucoup d'églises: Santa Chiara, Santa Teresa, Santa Lucia et Santa Croce.
Santa Chiara church and Marconi's square
Église Santa Chiara et la place Marconi
L'entrée de l'Eglise
Le clocher de l'église Santa Teresa
Santa Lucia - The Convent
San Gavino Church
The post office
Le bureau de poste
The parc
Le parc
The parc
L'hôpital «Nostra Signora di Bonaria"
The entrnce of the Hospital
L'entrée de l'hôpital
The Town Hall is situated in Marconi's square.
La Mairie est située dans la Place Marconi.
Monreale Castle
The entrance of the ethnographic museum "Dona Maxima"
L'entrée du musée ethnographique «Dona Maxima»
La nouvelle gare
The rail waystation and the car parking
La gare et le parking

Le bureau de poste
Le parc
L'hôpital «Nostra Signora di Bonaria"
L'entrée de l'hôpital

La Mairie est située dans la Place Marconi.

L'entrée du musée ethnographique «Dona Maxima»
La nouvelle gare
La gare et le parking
Some ideas about San Gavino Monreale
We are the students of 2^c,
and we are at the middle school in San Gavino Monreale.
We want to write some ideas about the place where we live.
We are the students of 2^c,
and we are at the middle school in San Gavino Monreale.
We want to write some ideas about the place where we live.
1) The name of San Gavino comes from the castle of Monreale.
It's on the hill in the north of my village.
It's on the hill in the north of my village.

Veniva usato come abitazione per i giudici d'Arborea. Dopo una lunga guerra fu usato come deposito di viveri, armi e come rifugio per i soldati. Tutto questo quando fu fortificato il complesso.
The castle was built in XII \ XIII century. The name Monreale was the name of the castle that rises above. It was probably built by John Capula that at that time was erecting the towers of San Pancrazio, dell'Elefante and dell'Aquila in Cagliari. It was used as housing for judges of Arborea. After a long war it was used as storage of food, weapons and as a refuge for the soldiers.
There are two ideas about the origin of the name Monreale. Firstly it was called Monreale by the Spanish “Aragonesi”; while others, according to an ancient document, that in 1309 the castrum of the mountain on which stands the castle, it was qualified as royal. In Italian language “reale”. “il mon real” or royal mountain, often the residence of the “giudici d’Arborea” (historic administration of the region of Sardinia).

San Gavino Church

2) Then San Gavino is an important and old church, built during the XIV century by 'Mariano IV of Arborea'.

Santa Lucia Church

Santa Lucia's Convent

The monastery was built by the “Francescani” in 1580, and it was consecrated in 1582. In the convent there is the kitchen, the dinning-hall and the cells.
A square cloister gives to the all building a sense of nobility.

Santa Chiara church by night
It was built around the XV century and it is in centre of the village. Now it is a Parish. It is a very beautiful church!!!
A square cloister gives to the all building a sense of nobility.

Santa Chiara church by night
Santa Teresa church
Santa Croce church
The foundery


About the end October and the first 10 days of November people pick up the flowers of saffron for only 15 days.

Thanks a lot and we hope you know more ideas about San Gavino Monreale.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Postcards and letters from Granollers
Other postcards from Granollers to Sardinia!
This time in French language.....

Je parle Castellano, Catalan et Anglais.. Je suis grande et brune. J’ai les cheveux longs. J’aime les « Jonas Brothers ».

Je m’appelle Marta. J’habite à Granollers. J’ai quatorze ans. Je parle Catalan et Castellano. Je suis petite et mince. Je suis timide et gaie. J’ai les cheveux longs. Je suis brune. J’ai les yeux marron. J’aime faire des photos, écouter de la musique et sortir avec les amis.

Je m’appelle Josep. Je suis étudiante. J’habite à Granollers. J’ai quatorze ans.
Je suis Catalan. Je suis intelligent, content, sympathique et grand.
J’aime regarder le football, écouter de la musique et jouer avec l’ordinateur.
A toute à l’heure. Moi, j’espère que tu me réponde.

Je m’appelle Xénia. J’ai quatorze ans et j’habite à Granollers. Je suis grande et mince. Je suis châtaigne et j’ai les yeux verts. Je suis gaie, contente, intelligente, sympathique et amusante.Amitiés

Je suis étudiante. Je parle Anglais, Espagnol, Catalan. J’ai les yeux marron.
J’aime Les « New York », « Jonas Brothers »

Je m’appelle Fatima. J’ai quatorze ans. J’habite à Granollers.
Je sus grande et mince, je suis brune et j’ai les cheveux courts et les yeux noirs.
Je suis sympathique, amusante, gaie et timide. J’aime jouer au volley-ball, regarder la télé danser, sortit avec les amis et écouter de la musique.

Je m’appelle Esther et j’habite à Granollers. J’ai quatorze ans.
Je sus grande et mince, je suis brune et les yeux marron.
Je suis sympathique, amusante et gaie. J’aime jouer au basquet, sortir avec les amis et bavarder.
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