Thursday, 11 February 2010

Hello, our friends from Italy and Spain!

We put on the blog informations about what a tourist can find in Bucharest, our town. Here are informations about theatres, parks, museums, restaurants and many others.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

II C - Istituto Comprensivo Statale San Gavino Monreale

Listen to Microestudi Radio. There are our Comenius friends

The survey of January
First of all, our students answer some questions in French language, then in Italian and finally in English.

Monday, 1 February 2010

II D - II C - Istituto Comprensivo Stat. San Gavino Monreale

A survey (January 2010)-
Quality and culture of hospitality!
How can we be competitive?

31 pupils of II C and II D make investigations in Italian language on the quantity / quality of tourist facilities in their regions

What do they think?

Une enquête. (Janvier 2010): Les élèves de II C et II D font des enquêtes sur la quantité / qualité des infrastructures touristiques dans leurs régions

La qualité et la culture de l'hospitalité. Une question: Comment pouvons-nous être compétitifs?