Scoala nr. 71 "Iovan Ducici" - Bucuresti, Romania
We have in Romania some food very, very good like: sarmale, carnati, mici.
Now, you just see this food, but maybe, you can eat sometimes romanian food.

An European partnership through a Comenius project: "Together and ensemble in Europe" exchange of cultural differences and similarities with regard to individual teenager, school, country and town. A strong European and international dimension into the learning experiences of our community to other countries. 1) Istituto Comprensivo Statale San Gavino Monreale Italy - Sardinia 2) Scoala Nr. 71 “Iovan Ducici” Bucharest - Romania 3)"Escola Municipal del Treball" Granollers - Catalonia - Spain
Déjeuner à l'école
Le mardi et le vendredi, la journée scolaire est longue: elle débute à 8,30 et se termine à 17,30. Ainsi, le déjeuner est un inportant moment entre 13,30 et 14,30 pm. Les élèves mangent de repas à l'école.
Les élèves utilisent des tickets repas de leurs parents qui paient à l'avance. J'essaie d'écrire quelques menus:
pizza, pâtes, riz, salades, des viandes ou des poissons cuits et un fruit.
Nous buvons l'eau minérale. Le pain est toujours sur la table et il est bon pour notre santé.
Il est important de dire que nous ne mangeons jamais les pommes de terre frites et les aliments frits. Le fast food et les friandises sont interdits mais on les mange pendant la pause à 10,30 dans la matinée.
Alessandro et Christian
Lunch at school
On Tuesday and on Friday the school day is long: it starts at 8,30 and finishes at 17,30. So lunch is an inportant break in the school day. This is between 13,30 and 14,30 pm. Some students eat school lunch in the school diving room.
Students use lunch tickets which their parents pay for in advance. I try to write some menus: pizza, pasta, rice, salads, some cooked meat or fish and a fruit.
We drink mineral water. Bread is always on the table and it is good for your health.
It is important to say that we never eat chips or fried food. Fast food and sweets are prohibited but we eat them during the break at 10,30 in the morning.
Alessandro and Christian
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